Panel 1: Viewed in an isometric POV. Shay and Da Boss walk into the kitchen. Da Boss is shouting at the crew in the kitchen for their attention as he heads towards a rolling cork board
Da Boss: Look alive everyone! We've got another order for Levia.
Panel 2: Da Boss is now standing in front of the cork board as he continues to talk to the crew. There is an arrangement of different pages pinned with red string strewn across the pages like the Pepe Silvia meme.
Da Boss: We all know how he likes to delay our drivers to get free pizza. This is just a fraction of the misdeeds Levia has committed.
Panel 3: Da Boss slams his hand against the cork board as the crew members, now huddled around, start to murmur among themselves.
Da Boss: Rocks off or not, this delivery is a go! We cannot allow him to take advantage of our delivery policy anymore.
Panel 4: Da Boss (off panel) shouts Shay's name as Shay jolts in response.
Da Boss (off panel): SHAY!!
Panel 5: Everyone in the kitchen turns their focus on a very shocked and worried Shay as he grips the strap of his bag. The crew continues to murmur to themselves as Da Boss continues to talk off panel.
Da Boss (off panel): You're next in line. Make sure he pays for that pizza.