If anything, at least we can say Shay did his very best.
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Published on by Sage Spaulding & E. Arnold.
Comic Transcript
Panel 1: Shay runs up to the house that has definitely seen some better days.
Panel 2: Close up of the steps of the porch. The wood is warped and looks as if it's going to give way at any time.
Panel 3: Shay makes his way across the porch, the wood creaking under his feet as it threatens to crumble.
Shay: Please, do not do this to me now.
Panel 4: The porch gives way under Shay's feet with a loud crack.
Panel 5: Shay is now sitting under the broken porch, rubbing his head as he looks down. Light is pouring into the pit from the hole above his head.
Shay: Ugh... This is so stupid. I was so close to making it on time.
Panel 6: He looks up, pulling his hand away from his head.
Shay: I should have petted the cats back there.